Friday, December 16, 2016



I want to tell you some things. This may end up being a long read because it's things I've wanted to say for 40+ years.

First of all, I want to say that I truly appreciate how hard you tried when Greg and I were kids. It must have been a huge pain in the ass to drive from Boston, past Storrs to pick us up to go to UConn games and then drive in the opposite direction to take us back to Mom's before heading back to Boston, but you did it and it was greatly appreciated.

I want to tell you a story about something that happened when I was about 13. It was a Sunday morning, Greg and I had spent the weekend with you and Donna. You and Greg were still asleep. I woke up and went into the kitchen and Donna was at the tabe reading the Sunday paper. She was reading the front section and the rest of the paper was on the table next to her. I said good morning and started going through the paper looking for the sports page. Donna freaked out..

"What do YOU think you're doing?!"

I said "I was going to read the sports page."

Donna: "This is MY paper. You may read it when I am done with it and not before!"

So, I put it down and get something to eat. A few minutes later I look over and she has now put the front section to the side and is reading a different section, so assuming she is done with the front section I go to grab that since she is done with it.


"You put the front section aside, you're done with it, so I was going to read that part."


This is how Donna has treated both Greg and I from day one. I sat there countless times and listened to  her badmouth my Mother and be a complete bitch to Greg and I and you never said a word to defend us or at least tell her not to speak badly about our Mom in front of us.

For years I would call you all the time and leave voice messages, maybe one time in 15 you'd return my call. Finally I gave up on calling because you'd never call me back. One day a couple of years ago you told me that you wished I'd call more. I told you why I don't, you said you never got any messages and acted like you thought I was lying to you. Here's a hint Dad, maybe the cunt you live with heard them, deleted them and never told you about them.

Also, whenever I would call and she would answer I would politely ask for you... remember how she threw a fit because I didn't engage her in conversation before asking for you. Maybe it's because she has never once been nice to me. I have 100 stories like the newspaper one.She couldn't even be bothered to wear a bra to my wedding but she wants me to talk to her? Why would I? I fucking hate her.

Then last year you called me up we chatted a little bit and it was nice, then I get home and Greg asks me if I talked to you, I said yes. He then says "So, you're going to dinner with us?" I was shocked. Why the hell would you ask Greg and not me?  Especially when I told you I would be in the city. Maybe you thought that because I was working I couldn't, but I drive whenever I want to. There's no set schedule and I certainly need a break to eat. I was, and still am pissed off about it how you could invite Greg and not me.

By the way, Greg also told me that when you were talking to him last year you paused to ask Donna if you could invite Greg. At your age the two of you should know that the person on the other end can hear the conversation, she was realy bitchy about you inviting him, so maybe the fact that you didn't invite me was a blessing because I didn't have to deal with her.

That brings us to this year. Katy's ex has her kids for Christmas, which I didn't realize when you invited me. So I called you back to ask if she could come too... I have to ask, how long did it take for you to come up with that bullshit excuse about long tables and round tables?

Anyway, I'm not going to leave her home alone on Christmas Eve and not seeing Donna again makes it a win/win for me.  So I hope you have a nice night at Han Dynasty and maybe I'll see you around whenever.

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